A Samsung Galaxy S6 or equivalent with Android 7 and 2 GB of RAM is recommended. It’s currently being released in Australia and the Philippines on the Google Play Store via open beta for a short time. Zomboss.”Īlong with the return of Sunflower, there will be an emphasis on puzzles along with the standard strategy gameplay. We want old fans to revel in the experience and strategy, meet up with old friends, and help Dave all over Town – all while bringing in a whole new generation to help defend against the ever looming threat of Dr. PopCap’s Matt Townsend notes that the sequel is “All about capturing that classic experience we all know and love and bringing it to the modern mobile experience. You’re still fighting on the Lawn in Neighborville and participating in lane-based tower defense but there will be new plants, new areas and much more.
Though a pre-alpha released in June 2019 for a limited number of users, the developer is going back to basics.
Zombies 3, the follow-up to the super-popular tower defense series, and confirmed that it’s entering limited testing for certain territories. PopCap Games has provided an update on Plants vs.